Working with Communications

Working with Communications

When working with communications, an XTRAC administrator creates templates that you can use in XTRAC Workbench to standardize formats and content in your communications with customers. The Templates List dialog displays the templates that you have the privileges to use for creating letters that can be printed and sent to customers. You can filter the list of templates to display only the templates you need to work with.

After you select a template, the Communications Editor lets you add and modify content in a letter. Depending on the type of template you use, the letter is submitted for approval, printed locally, or printed to a central location before being sent to customers.

XTRAC Workbench eLearning Videos

The following links provide brief video presentations on working with Communications in XTRAC Workbench:

XTRAC Communications

Working with Existing Communications

Approving Communications


XTRAC Community